Plug-Ins for Additional Functionality

Plug-Ins for Additional Functionality

You can install many different plug-ins to your WordPress website to add additional functionality. Some examples are shared below.

Plug-Ins for Media

  • Add a photo gallery with NextGEN Gallery
  • WP Links Page creates a gallery of screenshots that link to other websites
  • Media Library Folders is helpful for managing the media on a site using folders, especially in cases where students may be adding lots of content to a share course site across semesters

Plug-Ins for the Writing Process

  • Print my Blog enables you to print posts to paper, PDF or e-book.
  • Modern Footnotes inserts footnotes directly into the text; bibliographic information is displayed when you hover over the footnote. Note that the plug-in requires inserting shortcode into the body of the text, which can hang up students (based on my observations)

Plug-Ins for Site Management

  • Password Protected makes the entire site password protected. Helpful for when a faculty member doesn’t want their site viewed by the public. Administrators/editors/and authors can still view the site without the password by directly logging in to the site.
  • Last Log-in shows when users last logged-in to the site. This can be helpful for faculty course websites in which students write and publish posts on a shared website. The Last Log-In plug-in can be used to ensure students are initially able to log-in to the site and then for tracking their log-ins to the site afterwards.

Plug-Ins for Managing Posts

  • Use the Post Types Order plug-in to drag and drop WordPress posts into an order that makes most sense for the site. This can be helpful if you’d like posts to appear in a different order than the default reverse chronological order.
  • Duplicate Post allows individual posts or pages to be copied