Get to Know Your Plot of Land on the Web

Get to Know Your Plot of Land on the Web

Colgate Domains provides web hosting space and a subdomain (web address). An easy way to understand what hosting, domains and websites are is to think of web hosting as a plot of land.

a plot of land (web hosting) with a house (website) located at an address (a domain)
Photo from Coventry Domains

Access to web hosting is like having a plot of land or a physical space. A website is like a house to be built on the land. And a domain name (the main part of a web address or URL) is like having a postal address.

4 houses on a plot of land
Photo from Coventry Domains

Each of these websites will sit under your Colgate.Domains subdomain. Your main website will sit on your root domain (e.g. You can then have additional websites on subdomains (e.g. You can choose how these separate sites link to one another and choose a different web application and design independently for each website. The main website on the root domain could link to the /projectname and /portfolio websites to direct the owner’s audience between the three websites.

You may also want to test a new idea and create this as a separate space away from the websites you already have and only share with people that you want to see your work in progress (e.g. In this case, you can choose not to link /idea-test to the other three websites, and only copy and the paste the link to send to your friends, faculty and other colleagues.

Now that you have your own space on the web, what do you want to do with it?

*This post was derived from the Coventry.Domains Support Documentation under CC BY-NC 4.0.