For Faculty

  • How can I organize my video content?

    Creating folders is the best way to organize videos in Panopto. Information on creating folders can be found from Panopto’s support site. For Faculty, it is recommended that you create a subfolder in My Folder for each course. This ensures that the video links will persist when you copy your Moodle course to future semesters. 

  • How do I access Panopto?

    There are two methods for accessing Panopto: the web version, and through Moodle. Through the Web: Navigate to Through Moodle: To access via Moodle, a course must be provisioned by the faculty member responsible for the course. Information on provisioning can be found at Panopto’s support website. Once provisioned Panopto videos can be embeded…

  • Where are my Ensemble Videos?

    Most Ensemble Video content was migrated to Panopto. If you have content that was migrated, it will be located in a folder named “Ensemble Migrations.” If you are missing content from Ensemble that you would like assistance locating, please make a request from ITS for further help.