How do I enable notifications when my Zoom Cloud recordings are ready to share?

Login to Panopto at From your home page select the ‘My Folder’ in the left navigation. Along the top, locate the ‘Meeting Recordings’ folder. In the upper right of the screen, locate the gear icon (Folder Settings). Select ‘Settings’ from the left navigation. Check the box that read “Notify viewers via email and Microsoft Teams (if connected) when new videos are ready”

Note: If you do not have a ‘Meeting Recordings’ folder you have not successfully imported any Zoom Cloud meeting recordings into Panopto. Use Zoom to start a cloud meeting recording and this folder will automatically appear in Panopto.

How do I locate a Zoom Cloud recording that’s been imported to Panopto?

Meetings that have been imported into Panopto from Zoom are located in a folder called ‘Meeting Recordings’ inside your ‘My Folder.’ These can be accessed by logging into Panopto, selecting your ‘My Folder’ on the left navigation, and then selecting ‘Meeting Recordings’ from the available folders near the top of the page.

If you do not see the recording that you are looking for, it may still be processing. You can use the refresh button at the top of the page to check again periodically.

Note: Longer videos may take longer to process. Please allow up to 24 hours for recordings to appear.

How will I know if students are watching the videos I assign?

Panopto provides extensive usage reporting.  See How to Access Folder and Video Statistics for Panopto. There are additional ways to track student engagement with your videos.  Panopto has built-in ways for students to engage through discussion or by responding to quiz questions embedded in the video. See How to Use Discussions and How to Add a Quiz to a Video.