Export / backup grades

The Grades Export option allows you to save all or some of your Moodle course Grades content in a file on your computer whenever you wish.

Why Backup your Grades?

  • Personal Backup – Moodle system backups occur weekly, early Sunday morning. This means that the grades that you entered on Monday will not be backed up by ITS for another 6 days.  You can Export your Grades to a local file on your computer at any time with minimal effort:
    • Saving your work (after many entries and changes)
    • Saving your state (before you experiment with your Grades settings)
  • Long-term Backup – Moodle course backups are big and can only be restored to Moodle systems. Grades Exports are small, local files which can be opened for review in a spreadsheet program
  • Restore Setup – Some of your Grades Setup can be transferred to another course using a Grades Export file.

How to Backup your Grades

In Grades:

  • From the ‘Grader Report’ menu, select ‘Export’
    • Set ‘Export as’ to ‘Excel Spreadsheet’ (Recommended: you may wish to use an alternate format)
      • Review the items under ‘Grade items to be included’
      • Review the ‘Export format options’ (expand)
        • Important: if you use Feedback in Grades check ‘Include feedback in export’
      • Select Download
        • Verify by opening the downloaded document