Moodle 3.11 upgrade highlights

Moodle 3.11 upgrade highlights

In June, Moodle was upgraded from v3.10 to v3.11. Changes resulting from the upgrade are highlighted on Moodle 3.1 (Summer 2022). Most notable is the change in the visual representation of activity completion from a checkbox to a “Mark as Done” button.

Other changes include:

  • Ability to hide or show activity start and end dates and completion conditions on the course home page 
  • Time saving measures when building quiz questions
  • Addition of Panopto activities for linking to or embedding videos

Lastly, a reminder that Ensemble MediaLibrary has been replaced by Panopto as Colgate’s video hosting platform.  See Using Panopto with Moodle and Replacing Ensemble Video Links with Panopto for more information. 

Please contact the Moodle support team at with questions.