Notes from the Summer ’23 Upgrade

Notes from the Summer ’23 Upgrade

Getting Started with Moodle 4

A new look with Moodle 4

At first glance, Moodle 4 has a very different look, but all the functionality of v3.11 is retained while enhancing both the faculty and student experience. The new design features time-saving enhancements, expanded functionality, and significantly improved navigation.

Notable changes include the concentration of most course administration functions into a single menu and the ability to turn editing on/off without scrolling to the top of the page.

Screenshot of a course page in Moodle, with a circle around the navigation menu and an arrow pointing to the edit mode button.

Building your course is now more efficient with the ability to drag & drop to re-order content in the new Course index and the an Add topic option at the end of each topic. Students will appreciate the ability to collapse or expand all topics, thereby avoiding the exceptionally long course page.

Screenshot of a moodle course page. The following items are highlighted in red circles: 'Collapse all', 'Edit mode', 'Add topic', 'Add an activity or resource'. The new collapsible course index and block drawer are identified.

Changes in brief

Adding / editing course sections and activities

  • The “Turn editing on” element is now always at the top of the page so no scrolling is needed to toggle it on and off
  • A course index on the left side of the screen lists all sections and activities for faster navigation
  • Each section in the course index and in the main course area can be collapsed or expanded by the user
  • New sections can be added at the end of any current section rather than only at the end of the main course area
  • Sections and activities can be easily moved using drag and drop in the course index (on the left of the screen) or in the main course area


  • Ability to add assignment instructions that the student sees only after they have begun the assignment
  • Ability to set a time limit from start to completion (as can be set in quizzes)
  • A passing grade can now be specified as a criteria for activity completion

Question bank

  • Questions can be added to the question bank in draft format until they are ready for use
  • As questions are modified, each version is retained along with the ability to review prior versions
  • Questions statistics are easy to find, including a usage column indicating which quiz the question is used in
  • Added ability to perform bulk actions on questions

Completion tracking

  • Activity completion requirements are displayed on the right side of the activity block
  • Completion indicators appear in the course index along the left side of the course page

Automatically notify students when adding new or updating content

  • Available for all activities and resources


For other questions about the upgrade process or about Moodle 4 or to schedule a consultation, contact the Moodle support team by emailing or calling the ITS Service Desk at 315-228-7111.