Personal backups

Professors are encouraged to maintain personal backups of course content for archival purposes and for convenient access. Personal backup options are available for the entire course, as well as for individual items such as grades, assignment submissions and question banks.

Course Backups

Course backups provide professors with a file that contains course content and maintains course structure. Course backup files can only be opened on another Moodle site, not directly on your computer.

  • Course backup files DO include activities and resources within a course.
  • Course backup files DO NOT include: student data, grades, assignment submissions, grade feedback and/or forum posts.

Course backup instructions:

  • Select Course Navigation | More | Course Reuse, and select Backup
  • Select general blocks and activities
  • Select specific activities

We can provide course backups for professors for their personal archives (e.g., personal backups, leaving Colgate, sharing with others). Submit course backup requests via

Additional Personal Backups

In addition to the course backup there are options for exporting course information in Moodle for personal archival purposes.

Course Archives

Starting with Fall 2016 semester

Course backups starting with Fall 2016 are stored only in Moodle and can be accessed by system administrators. Backups will include any recent changes and therefore may not accurately reflect course state at the end of the semester.

Fall 2010 to Fall 2016

ITS maintains an archive of end-of-semester backups of all Learning Management System (LMS) courses BEFORE Fall 2016.

  • Backups may not reflect changes which a professor made in the course after the end of the semester.
  • Course archive backups can be restored, at least partially, upon request and in compliance with Copyright law.
  • Moodle course archives can normally be used to restore most course content directly into a course in the current Moodle system. Certain object types may no longer be supported. Student content (forum posts, assignment submissions) cannot normally be retrieved.
  • Some older archives may not be restorable.