Notes from summer upgrades – v3.11

Moodle 3.11 Upgrade – Summer 2022

  • The upgrade from v3.10 to v3.11 was completed in June 2022 and includes a few minor new features noted below.
  • We and our hosting provider, OpenLMS, have identified no significant issues with the upgrade to v3.11.
  • Looking ahead, Moodle will change more significantly next year as v4.x rolls out. Please let us know if you are willing to help us test and configure this new Moodle next spring by emailing us at

Enhancements and other changes

The most significant changes reflected in this upgrade include:

Activity completion tracking

Activity completion requirements and due dates can be displayed on the course home page so learners can easily see tasks to be done and dates when assignments and quizzes are due. 

Additionally, more filtering options have been added to the Activity Completion Report available to Teachers. Read more about the completion tracking changes in Using Activity completion and Activity completion settings.

The following 7 minute video provides information about the activity completion changes and demonstrates the steps for disabling activity completion tracking if you choose to do that.

Quiz Improvements

Teachers can now change the default setting of a question type and retain it for future questions thereby saving time when creating quizzes.  A minimum and maximum word limit can also be set for essay questions.

Panopto Replaces Ensemble

While not specifically Moodle-related, this change will break existing media content links to our long-standing Ensemble media server (MediaLibrary.Colgate.Edu). Some Ensemble content may work but much will not; contact us via the ITS Service Desk for help changing these media links to Panopto.  

Hypothesis “Promoted”

The Hypothesis Activity has been made more accessible. While still a 3rd-party LTI tool, you can now find Hypothesis in the list of Activities along with Forums and Quizzes, saving a bit of hunting and clicking.  

iClicker Removed

We have preemptively removed the iClicker block – this block has not been used recently in any courses and has been unsupported for over 5 years. It is highly unlikely to work with Moodle 4.1 which is due next year.

Video Overview of Moodle 3.11 enhancements

Please note: Some of the features described in the following videos may not be implemented at Colgate.

Other enhancements

See additional changes that are New for teachers.
