Moodle 4 Quick Reference

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Turn editing on

The Turn editing on link has been replace with the Edit mode slider in the upper right corner of the course page. Click on the slider to move the slider to the right and enable course editing.

screenshot of edit mode sliders in the off and on positions

Make the course / gradebook visible to students

In Moodle 3.11 Quicksets block on the right side of the Moodle course page allowed you to make the course and the gradebook visible to students. Those functions are now found in the course Settings.


  1. Open the course.
  2. Select Settings
  3. Expand the General settings
  4. Set Course visibility to Show
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save and display.
screenshot of general settings in the course settings with Course visibility set to Show


  1. Open the course.
  2. Select Settings
  3. Scroll down and expand the Appearance settings.
  4. Set Show gradebook to students to Yes
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save and display.
screenshot of appearance settings in the course settings with Show gradebook to students set to yes

Reuse content from a previous course

See Reusing content from a previous course.

Merge course sections

See Merging course sections.

List my courses

If you previously found your list of courses on the left side of the course page, you will now find them from the My courses or the Course search link at the top of the page. Additionally the Home and Dashboard links also provide a list of courses you have access to.

screenshot of top level navigation on top of Moodle page. Includes Home, Dashboard, My courses, For Faculty, For Students, Colgate links, Libraries and Course search

Setup the gradebook

To access all actions related to the Gradebook, including Gradebook setup:

  1. Select Grades from the menu at the top of the course page under the course name.
  2. On the Grades page, drop down the menu in the upper left and select Gradebook setup.
screenshot of menu on Grades page showing options for grader report, grade history, gradebook setup, etc.